*Ensure the video you wish to embed has been uploaded to a Walla Walla University affiliated Youtube or Vimeo account. Please contact the web content manager for approval.
From Youtube
Select your video and select the "share" option.
Select "embed" from the small popup and copy the html.
Create new content on your typo3 page and select "plain html" under the "special elements" tab.
Proceed to paste the html copied from Youtube, change the "width" to "100%". If you want the video title to be shown when it fails to load, add something like before the source (src) element: title="Video of Video Title". Once you are done, click save.
Once saved, your embedded video should span the page! (Example below.)
From Vimeo
Click on the share button and copy the html.
Create new content on your typo3 page and select "plain html" under the "special elements" tab.
Proceed to paste the html copied from Vimeo, change the "width" to "100%", and save.
Once saved, your embedded video should span the page! (Example below.)